Canadiology is a concept animation series based on my comic strip Acapedia that was published in the newspaper every week. It follows high schooler Evan and his friends, Jay, Julie, Len, Mr. Penichi and lake serpent Nate as they navigate the strange and unknown reality that is Canada. [Read here]
The screenplays were written in 2015-2017, with intentions on completing six episodes. Index:
- Episode 1: Serpentpedia [ Act 1 - Act 2 - Act 3 ]
- Episode 2: Syrupedia [ Act 1 - Act 2 - Act 3 ]
- Episode 3: Beer Mechanics [ Act 1 - Act 2 - Act 3 ]
- Episode 4: Hockey Hall of War [ Act 1 - Act 2 - Act 3 ]
- Episode 5: Religumatics [ Act 1 - Act 2 - Act 3 ]
- Episode 6
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